
Blue Dot Archi

Konverze lázní na městskou knihovnu, Chomutov

The former spa building holds significant historical and cultural importance for the city of Chomutov and the entire region. To transform it into a space that will have a broader impact on public life, we approach its renovation with the highest ambition.

Our proposal for converting it into a modern 21st-century library includes a clear navigation system, which is reflected in the spatial design as well as the way it communicates with the public. The original spa building will thus be transformed into a community center, offering various functions such as a city library, a restaurant, multifunctional halls, study rooms, sports facilities, retail spaces, and other public areas.

rok: 2023
typ: veřejný / kultura
status: soutěž ČKA (speciální cena poroty)
investor: město Chomutov
team: Ing. arch. David Hladík, Bc. Radim Baláž, Bc. René Provazník, Bc. Patrik Špalovský, Bc. Tomáš Chrástecký, Ing. arch. Martin Kos, Bc. Zuzana Kropíková, Martin Horešovský, Ing. arch. Vít Hryzák